Friday, August 11, 2006

New kid on the blog

I do not consider myself as a champion blogger & thereby look upon blogging with awe due to its tempting and addictive qualities that has affected millions across world- both real and virtual. Today before I take leap of faith over the fence and confirm my loyalty to the cult of bloggers, I use this space to introduce myself through what I call creative self-expression - writing for the laity ;)

Writing is something that fetches me my daily bread, butter and butter chicken, I prefer it more to other creative self expressive activities like dancing, singing or filmmaking, which take my fancy time to time but do not hold it enough to be pursued as a career. As far as my blogging qualifications go, I have been surfing online for quite sometime thanks to one of my early jobs as a content writer for a portal prior to dot com bubble burst. I wonder if you would remember a public service ad campaign that used to be aired on doordarshan in my childhood- " With a cigarette in my hand, I feel like a man". In my case, the same happens with a pen, keyboard or anything with which I can channel my thoughts, feelings and perceptions.

Personally, I look at blogs as one more welcome interface to share ideas, idols and idiosyncrasies. It reaffirms my faith in humanity that people still care for fellow beings, want to hear their voice, understand their thoughts and provide each other with much need, time, love and tenderness necessary to keep the human race together.

Today I merge two of my favourite areas of life, just like an experienced matchmaker or an M&A specialist -Internet and writing. These come together again after a gap of about 6 years but for something more consequential than chatting, professional emails or plain friendship testimonials. At this moment, I feel the joys of sweet surrender to the ever-growing tribe of bloggers and determine to walk alongside with them to newer horizons exploring each topic under the sun with precision and an unpredictable ever expanding spectrum of imagination.

But hey didn’t the dot com market crash long back. Yeah so I heard. King is dead long live the king... As a loyal servant worthy of virtual salt... I blog from today as my contribution to this amazing space created by humans to meet, greet and to share and care.

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